Thursday, September 23, 2010

yay! Happy $10!!!

I searched for "$10.00" in google images and not a single image that came up made any sense.  I was expecting at least some photos of ten dollar bills but there wasn't even anything close to money on the whole first page.  It was all pictures like this one above. 

However, once I let it settled I decided that i like this picture.  It's how I would like people to imagine me to be when I'm working on my blog.  Just a hard working woman trying to juggle my blog, my rape van, the time, and yes, even the world.  All with a smile on my face and my head in the clouds. 

Anyways, I broke $10.00 on my blog today!!!!! I can't believe it, I really feel like it was just yesterday that I was oohing and ahhing over my first nickel, I can't believe I'm already in the double digit dollars!!!! 

Thank you to everyone who continues to come to my blog and support me.  It really means a lot. 

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