Monday, September 20, 2010

amazing graffiti!!

So this is an ad on the side of a bus stop on the LES that I found on Friday night. It's an ad for Evian and it made me laugh that she is so beautiful and austere and has this funny little pencil thin mustache.

Well as I was walking past it I noticed that the advertisement was behind a sheet of plastic and that the graffit0-tagger had drawn the mustache on the plastic on the outside. As I was passing I thought, "well that's going to be funny when they replace the advertisement with something else and it has a random mustache floating in the middle of it".

No sooner had the thought crossed my mind and the advertisement changed. It was one of those scrolly ads that rolls back and forth between two different ads, so this was the one that it scrolled to:

How funny is that!? It seriously made my night that the placement was so perfect for both of them. Do you think they drew the mustache on her or on him? Do you think they planned it like this or not? I hope whatever they replace this ad with it also has a person's face right in the center of it.

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