Wednesday, September 29, 2010

if you could go anywhere

I did a google image search for "world map with dart" and this came up.  When I clicked to see what it was I could not have been more delighted.  Go ahead, follow the link, I'll wait for you here.

Ok wtf is that right?  Delaware, can't live with it...end discussion.

Anyways, I am struggling with life decisions right now and I don't know what to do.  I am going to be homeless in a few short months and I have yet to decide where I want to go or what I want to do.  I'm feeling kind of like throwing a dart at a map of the world and just moving wherever it lands (hence the image search). 

It's funny how it sounds like the ultimate dream life for most people.  I have no connections anywhere, no real ties, I can just up and move without much trouble and start a new life on a tropical island if I wanted to.  And yet it's really not that fun when you're actually living the life.  It's just so uncertain.  I guess I wish I had something I was working towards but i don't.  I'm kind of just existing these days. 

If you could move anywhere in the world right now where would you go? 

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