Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I can't get CAT BUTT?!?!

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and checked my phone to see how much time I had left to sleep.  I noticed that I had an email and for whatever reason decided to check it.

It was from Eliza and it was a link to this article with the subject line "This article had your name all over it"

She specifically quoted the passage about Florida:

     In Florida, the state's motor vehicle agency takes a permissive stance towards celebrations of clothing   optional bathing. O2B NUDE, BARE ALL and BE NAKED have all been deemed acceptable by the director of the agency, who nonetheless spiked 4NICK8, CAT BUTT and COW PADY, according to records released by the state.

Initially last night I was upset about Cat Butt.  How can the state deny me the right to advertise the most important thing in my life on my car.  I mean, it's the first thing I see when I wake up every day, and the last thing I see before I go to sleep.  Cat Butt.  How much more dedicated do I have to be?

Now that I'm re-reading the article in the light of day however the sting of no Cat Butt has been lessened by the realization that having two cars means I can get both "O2B NUDE" and "BARE ALL".  The question is which do I get for which car?

I'm going to have to decide fast, I have a feeling one of those people from Caliente is going to jump on this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. i read the same article and thought about your cars! i vote for U2BNUDE!

    JagMan :)
