Sunday, July 17, 2011

two secret friends

A woman came to Starbucks yesterday while I was working outside and tied up this nice lady while she went in to get coffee.  The woman came out several times to check on her and she would say, "have you been behaving?" and the little doggy would sit exactly like that, like a perfect little angel.  As soon as the woman went back inside the dog would resume running around the table and chairs as crazily as possible in an attempt to get attention from any person she could possibly see.  Somehow she was always untangled and back in that spot right before the woman came back outside to check on her.  I would have tried to pet her but I was convinced the woman would blame me for luring her dog away from her spot.

Later at home I had finished taking a shower and was brushing my teeth when I suddenly spotted this ninja hiding behind the mirror:

I'm not sure if geckos can't see mirrored surfaces so he thought he was really well hidden or what but he never even flinched while I was taking pictures of him:

I once enquired at Petco about releasing a gecko in the house as a form of pest control and they all said it was a foolish idea.  I feel very vindicated for having found this guy in the bathroom all by his own doing.  He chose it here, and I like to think it has something to do with the "wet coral" paint job.

I wonder if there is any way I can make his life more comfortable.  I certainly want to encourage his survival as he will provide sure protection from all kinds of jungle creepy crawlies that exist down here.

I'm certainly not getting any protection from this guy:

1 comment:

  1. I want a house gecko! That's such a good idea. And I'm pretty sure our bathrooms are exactly the same color. But I don't live in Florida.
