Sunday, July 17, 2011

i'm too stupid

The first day I got this rental car I didn't know how to turn it off.  I had to get Scott to help me, I couldn't understand the concept of a "start/stop" button.

I feel like the me of 10 years ago would beat myself up for being so out of touch with car technology that I've become one of those bumbling blonds in my BMW that I don't even know how to use.  Most of my experiences with this car have been similar to this:

Except ironically if I had just hit the gas cover I would have realized that that is how you open it.  Instead I spent 15 minutes scanning the drivers area for the gas cover release button.  It's like when the last thing in the world I'm looking for is a button, that's when I should be looking for a button, and when I think there should be a button there is no button to be found.

I miss my car where things make sense.

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