Tuesday, November 23, 2010

forgive me internet for I have sinned

It has been 4 days since my last confession.  I just completely lost track of time, been on vacation mentally and physically.

It doesn't help that I can't get online at my dad's with my laptop either.  If anybody is good at the internets and can help me it would be much appreciated.

I'm in Florida now, I should be planning Thanksgiving but instead I have been spending every waking moment playing this.  My brother convinced my father to get a playstation a couple years ago and has pretty much sat unused since.  The first night I was here my brother suggested I go online and buy a game that he has so we could play against each other online.

Thus began a task far more arduous than I was prepared to undertake.  First I had to set up an account for my father on his playstation, which wasn't terribly hard but did involve that annoying "choose your screen name" part where you have to keep trying different variations on every possible name you can think of.  Of course this wasn't a name for me that I could just do whatever either, this was a name for my father so I had to try to come up with something acceptable.

Once I got that all sat up I was finally ready to find a game and purchase it.  At this point I have to enter his credit card information to add to the cart.  Apparently their system is hyper sensitive and kept telling me that my information didn't match their records.  After numerous unsuccessful attempts to figure out how the billing address appears on my father's credit card statement they finally locked me out entirely.

Now my father is freaking out because he thinks that I got his credit card cancelled, so I have to call sony customer service to figure out what the next step is.  Cut to me now driving to Walmart in the dead of night to buy a gift card.

The moral of the story is that the only denomination of gift card that they had was $50 so by the time I actually got home and got everything set up I figured I deserved to get two games.

And that's my excuse for why I haven't done a blog post in the past four days.  Because I've been playing my brother online at streetfighter in between murdering bengal tigers while wearing my favorite pair of booty shorts.

Well that's not entirely true.  There have been trips to the beach and things like that, and I even have pictures I swear!  

Just have a little faith.

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