Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This is some watcher in the woods shit if you ask me.  You don't know what its like to be sitting in your room, vulnerable, thinking you're alone, until you turn your head and realize that someone is watching you.  Someone or something.

And you never know where you're going to see the eyes either.  You're rooting around under your bed for your suitcase, move a shoe, and come face to face with two glowing orbs of terror.

In this case I was sitting at my desk working on my computer and I looked out the window and realized somebody was peepin' at me through the leaves of my plant.

I took a bunch of pictures because he wasn't really even looking at me.  He was just laying there staring vacantly straight ahead of him, as if in a coma.

How is this the most comfortable place in the entire apt?

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