Monday, November 1, 2010

an email from meghan

I meant to tell you that my ride home was like an extension of our experience at the Heidelberg, except x1000.  Like, add 7 of that crazy old man, and then gather them tightly around you and then lock the doors and go deep underground and then just sit there.  One crazy started talking to another about how yoga “made him go all cold inside, even though it was 100 degrees in the park!  And maybe he has yogic powers.”  He might have had yogic powers, but he didn’t have any teeth, I can tell you that much.  A man was lurching through the train screaming how it was “Ugly People Day,” and to just look around you, and “see all the Ugly People on your left and right” and right as I looked to my left, a little girl threw up into her bag of candy.

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