Tuesday, November 9, 2010

happy birthday g

Today is my grandfather's 90th birthday!!!  I didn't have a picture of him to post so I put up his closest celebrity look-a-like. When I was little we called our grandparents G&G for grandma and grandpa. 

In honor of my grandfathers birthday I will tell one of my favorite stories about him:

So my grandfather has always been extremely thrifty, famous for pulling "we honor competitors coupons" scams where he ends up getting boxes of cereal for free by going around to several different grocery stores.  He also tends to buy in bulk if there is a sale on a certain item so for a while he will be overloaded with whatever it is. 

Several years ago there was apparently a sale on bananas so for several weeks all available space in my grandfathers home was taken up with boxes of bananas.  About a week after he went ape-shit for bananas he was doing some work at my Dad's restaurant.  Apparently he fell off the roof (yes this was while he was in his 80's) and ended up breaking his arm.  At the hospital the nurses had to come in and talk to him because they couldn't figure out what was going on.  They said they couldn't do the necessary procedures on him because his potassium levels were through the roof and would he happen to know why that would be.   At this point he had to confess that he had been eating case after case of bananas for like two weeks straight.  I think they ended up having to give him something to flush the potassium out of his system before they could tend to his arm. 

So happy birthday gramps, and stay off the roof. 

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