Wednesday, May 18, 2011

always with the creepin'

Just so we're clear, here is the view of this scene from the other angle:

As I mentioned earlier there's been some wacky weather around these parts lately including some high winds.  I put the raft back behind these chairs and propped against the window so it wouldn't blow away the other afternoon.  I certainly did not put it there so that cat could use it to hide behind while he stalked all of the nice morning birds and squirrels that run around the backyard.

I just don't like how much he enjoys watching from the shadows.  Nor do I enjoy how angry he gets when I discover his hiding places:

In this case it's really his fault for choosing a hiding place that has a glass wall.  Maybe that's more what bothers me about him, like the other day when he was sitting on the window ledge on the other side of the screen.  It's like, he watches from the shadows, but not really hidden in the shadows, just kind of in the shadows.  He wants to make sure you know that he's watching you.

I seriously looked over my shoulders for him just now.

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