Monday, May 16, 2011

not my gulf

The sea was angry that day my friends.  I don't know why, but it was.  The water was actually not terribly cold, but the current was moving so swiftly that you had to have your wits about you at all time.

I don't care for that as much.  I prefer my ocean to be more like a tepid bath that i can soak my weary drunken bones in without fear of coming to and finding myself 8 miles off shore.

But yesterday proved to be a bad beach day in or out of the water.  There were gale force winds, there were ominous storm clouds, and worst of all, there was the police.  I don't know why, but I was laying on my towel staring up at the sky when I suddenly felt I wasn't alone.  I sat up and saw a police man just standing a few feet away from me surveying the beach.  I suddenly became very aware of myself and worried that I had something illegal that I didn't realize was illegal.

The point is, while yesterday looked beautiful out of my window, or through my camera lens, it turned out to be more of a bust.  I guess I'll just have to wait for the lake to have tranquil water relaxation time.

Until then...

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