Tuesday, August 2, 2011

an afternoon with my favorite cheese monger

While waiting for Lilly to meet me I was staring at this corner and trying to figure out why it looked so strange.  I finally realized that this was where the Virgin store used to be.  What a sign of the times that it's a bank now eh?

It was really nice getting to reconnect with Lilly.  Who knew that you could find a flower filled enclave in Union Square to sit and have a juice?

After a thorough discussion of my life and its lack of direction we made our way to Anthropologie where Lilly was looking to burn through a gift card.  I think she should have gone with this torture chair:

Perfect for handcuffing a person to, and it's open bottom is perfect for when your victim loses control of their bowels from the torture.  I can't imagine what else this chair would be for since it was the least comfortable thing I have ever sat on.  And i've sat on some uncomfortable things.

The biggest thing is just that I got to reconnect with an old friend, which I think is really important for me right now.  I'm feeling very "I remember me" these days.  Or more like "I need to remember me".  Too many dumb people trying to make me do things that I don't want to do.

Mmm, I think it's time to have a jam out to J-Hud.  Thank's Meghan for giving me the run of your place so I can lip synch in my underwear to my hearts content.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you sat in that chair. Who doesn't enjoy a nice heated seat?
