Tuesday, August 30, 2011

why I love Florida

That's right, it's a mother and a baby, just crossing the road, hanging out together, being nice.  It's weird seeing animals like this so up close in my car with the top down as they were just tall enough to look down their noses at me.  Still it was hard to get close enough to get a good picture with my phone.

But they were plenty adorable!

Seeing the deer renewed my interest in scanning the roadside vegetation for animals, otherwise I probably wouldn't ever have noticed this hawk:

Again, I know, I wish I had a camera with a better zoom.  I was just proud of myself for spotting him at all.  I love how he was fine with sitting right there until he realized that I had spotted him and then he had to fly away.  Just like kitty, don't look at him!

The same can not be said about the show stealer who I met when on a run last evening.

I thought for sure he would run away as I got close but he didn't at all, though he seemed nervous at first.  I don't know why, in case you can't tell he was HUGE!

Eventually I figured out that he wasn't going to run away so I was getting more up close and personal with him taking his picture and he eventually came out of his shell (rim shot) and turned in to a get me bodied back up dancer.  Pose for the camera now *click* *click*

I like how it looks like he's smiling.

Now I want to go to a petting zoo.

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