Monday, February 7, 2011


As I've mentioned, that bad bad cat has figured out how to escape the backyard and has been spotted roaming the neighborhood.  He also at some point in the past few days has lost his collar so now he's back on supervised outdoor time.

By supervising him I eventually figured out that this is how he's been escaping.  He goes from this window ledge to the fence and then over.  Thus I had the brilliant idea to put a bunch of shells up there to deter him.

He literally sat there the whole time that I methodically placed each shell pointy side up.  I think he was on to me, and was just waiting to see how far I would take it.  Once I finished with the shells I grabbed my camera to take the pic above.  Of course he was being so hilarious when I was taking this picture that I had to take some more.  A lot of the faces he's making are the faces he makes when he is making his poops and pees.  I know this because he feels the need to hang the front part of his body out of his enclosed litter box so that he can stand proudly like balto while the whole room admires him doing what he does best.

of course as soon as I finished with my little project and photo shoot and went back over to the deck to sit down I look over and see him jump right up there, knock all the shells off, then jump over the fence in to the front yard.

It's not just that he's bad a lot of the time, it's that he has to be so obnoxious about it.  How do you solve a problem like detective oliver benson?!

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