Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Scott and I went to lunch at the Pier in St. Pete the other day and this was our view.  Well this was the view from the outside deck that we couldn't sit on because it was too windy and cold, but I did go out and take pictures.  This would be another example of when I wish I had a better camera because you should be able to see Tampa on the horizon but I don't think the quality is good enough.  Either way it was a beautiful view on a beautiful day.  The Pier is kinda touristy but it's worth it for the drive out there and then being able to look out over the Gulf like this.  The problem with Florida is that it's so flat you hardly ever get the opportunity to see sweeping views of the ocean like this unless you're up on a bridge or in a condo on the water or something.  As much of an eyesore as most people probably think the Pier is I still enjoyed it.

And we valet parked the car because we didn't have change for the meter.  ooh la la.

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