Wednesday, March 28, 2012

a nice day off

Sorry I left you high and dry yesterday but time got away from me.  I didn't really end up doing that much really, but somehow I came home exhausted.

Though many things were planned for yesterday I ended up just meeting Joel for a walk on the beach.  We talked about going in the water but it was never anything more than talk.  I only paid for an hour on the meter, and it was quite nice.  I mean it only cost a dollar and we got to take a nice walk along the beach.  I should come down more often.

On the way back to the mainland we got stopped at one of my favorite intersections of all time:

It's the only red light that I'm always ok with getting.  It's like you get to spend just a little more time at the beach.

After our beach walk I took Joel to Lime for lunch/dinner.  I have been there a couple times with Heather but Joel had never been.  He ended up knowing somebody who worked there which was cool.  Especially because this guy liked my car, any friend of my car is a friend of mine.

After a lot of chips and guacamole we ended up at Sidelines where Joel was able to contain himself but I continued to eat.  This time it was peanuts.  Ugh, I couldn't stop.

I blame the display.  After we'd been there for a while I looked around and realized that there was a bowl of peanuts on every single empty table, and they had positioned them to be directly under the light, making them look like glorious golden chalices:

It was so Indiana Jones.  I will say that after eating an entire bowl, I chose poorly.

Anyways, it was a great day, thanks Joel for hanging out with me on my day off.  For now I've got to go next door and check on those precious ladies before I start getting ready for work.

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