Thursday, March 29, 2012

I think they're lonely

This was what Paris did immediately upon me entering the other day.  Marched right over to me, licked my toe twice, and then just flopped down on my foot and waited for pets.

That's how I can tell she is at the point where she really misses Heather.

This one on the other hand...

she's the same precious angel she always is.

As much as they are all over me when I first get here, they both still lose interest within minutes.  And then things inevitably turn to biting and kicking.

Paris is like, "i'm over this shit"

Aww I love them.

Oh and I couldn't help but notice this piece of paper that Heather had left out on her desk.  Haha it cracks me up every time I look at it.

I can just picture Heather sitting at her desk and suddenly thinking, "i need a playlist, and song #1 needs to be Cher".


Sorry for exploiting your life for my blog Heather.  xoxoxo

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