Sunday, September 16, 2012

I'm terrible

For many reasons, mostly for missing the past two days of blog posts.  I would have gotten one in for Sunday but I chose to hang out with Elliot after work and missed my deadline.  It was worth it:

But this post is not about sparkles though she remains, very nice.  It's about how I'm terrible, and the equally terrible picture above of the Blount license plate I saw driving to work just minutes after I had posted this.  I stuck to my resolution of not risking anybody's life by trying to get a good picture while in moving traffic so the result is too blurry to even realize it's from Blount but believe me, it was.

I had put it out of my mind until I was walking to my car during my break and spotted this monstrosity parked UNNECESSARILY CLOSE TO ME:

You can imagine the look on my face when I saw the license plate.  I was only in my car for a moment to pick up an application I needed to drop off for a new job (details to follow hopefully) which I thought a shame as this was the perfect opportunity to interact with a person, or possible family, from Blount.

After dropping off my resume I went back to my car to retrieve my soda pop from lunch that I had left. Had I not, I would not have seen the four South American women looking all around while the lights on the chevy next to my car were flashing.  I would never have seen the driver open her door directly in to my door.  And I certainly would have never gotten a crisp $100 dollar bill for bitching about a ding in my door and threatening to call mall security.

What I did not do however was ask them about Blount.  I figure it must be a rental, but still, why?  Maybe I should have asked them what rental car company they used so I could write them a letter.  Although I didn't get the impression that they would be forthcoming with information after I held the drivers door open while I inspected my car for the ding that I did eventually find.

I think they learned their lesson, but I am no closer to learning the sickening truth about Blount.

Also I'm terrible for making the past three posts about license plates.

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