Friday, September 2, 2011

I can't believe I pulled it off

That is how full of junk my car was.  Every nook and cranny filled.  It's easier to see how absurdly stuffed it is in the cross section of the cabin, the trunk picture doesn't really give a good idea of how much junk is really crammed in there:

Lets just say getting the trunk closed was its own challenge.

So in the past when I've travelled by car with kitty ( see this and this) he spent the entire time in my lap even though he had the run of the whole cabin.  I hoped that it would be the same with this trip, but this trip was far longer than any we had taken before.  Sure enough, he only spent the first half hour with me before settling down here:

Which was fine as I was already on the interstate and didn't need to shift anymore.  Well it was fine until he started rolling down the windows, and turning on the hazard lights.  The first times it seemed to be by accident but then it was as if he understood the power he held underneath his massive body.

Weirdly this place in my car gets really warm from the engine after a while, which I thought was why he was laying there, until he started in with his dramatics.  Long mournful wailing followed by sad looks up at me while he actually panted like he was in the friggin' desert or something.

He finally figured out that the air was coming from the foot area so he at some point made his way down there and stayed for the rest of the journey.  It was only mildly awkward to maneuver my legs around him.

I took that picture upon arrival, at which point he had apparently just resigned himself to the horror that had been this move.  I had the door open and was taking several pictures and he just sat there acting like he was traumatized.  When I brought him inside he promptly disappeared which was fine as I could unload my car without him in the way.

I piled everything up to see how much stuff there really was.  I'm not sure if I'm more amazed at how much stuff I fit in my tiny tiny car, or saddened when I realize that all of my earthly belongings fit in a small pile on the floor.

Or concerned at how much of my stuff is shoes.

I'm so used to sharing a tiny ny apartment with one or two other people that it's weird to be able to put my stuff wherever I want.  It's kind of overwhelming trying to organize things completely from scratch, at least I know where to keep the cat.

This is where he ended up spending the entire first night I was here.  Curled in the corner of a shelf in my closet.  I eventually filled up the area around him with things so he had a little cave, which he seemed to like.  And you'll be pleased to know that he has since warmed up to his new environment and resumed his usual routine of terrorizing me every chance he gets.

I think he will get more comfortable as I acquire more things for him to hide under, like a bed.  Oh a bed, how I long for a bed.  That's actually on the agenda for this morning, so I need to go take a shower and start this process.  I don't know how much longer I will survive on a leaky air mattress.

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