Friday, September 23, 2011

I guess my ducks are in a row

I find it extra delightful that they are all adults.  I didn't realize ducks continued to walk single file even after they'd grown up.  How do they choose who the leader is?

It's too bad my phone auto focused on the rain drops on the windshield instead of on the ducks.  It's times like this that I think I should just invest in a real camera.  So often there are pictures that go untaken because I either can't get my phone ready in time or I know it won't be able to capture the image anyways.  Maybe I am ready to kick it up a notch and become that guy who walks around with a camera all the time.

I don't think I'm ready for that yet.  You are going to just have to keep suffering with blurry pictures of ducks.

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