Saturday, October 23, 2010

to build a fire

It was a frigid 86 degrees out (not kidding) so we decided that we needed to gather round the campfire for warmth.  My brother made it in his backyard after dinner, it was really nice.

I love a good fire, it's like a lava lamp.  There is something so soothing about watching the flames and the embers.  And nothing satisfies the soul like giving a fire a good poking.  My brother uses a golf club sans head for a fire poker.  My sister made fun of me for my obsessive poking, until I gave her the poker at which point she immediately started jabbing it in to the fire like her life depended on it.

As the fire continued it eventually got this really cool bed of embers on the bottom.  They of course made me think of one of my favorite stories of my childhood; the time when I stood in hot coals.  We went to the beach when I was a toddler and I guess there was a pile of coals that hadn't been put out.  I walked through them, stopped, and just stood in the burning hot coals screaming my head off.  I don't remember any of this, or the weeks after when my feet were completely bandaged, though there are pictures.  It kind of makes me want to try walking on hot coals now, knowing that i've already done it and survived.  I wonder if my feet are hyper sensitive now.

Oh and if you were wondering where I get my sense of humor here's a video I took that captures my brother being his classic self:

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