Sunday, December 2, 2012

how I feel on the inside

The other day Gala and I were having a conversation at work and she commented that my real personality doesn't match the way I look on the outside.  I wholeheartedly agreed with her and said I have never really felt like my outside appearance felt right for the person I am inside.  At this point she said, "you sound transgendered".

It's not that extreme.  I quite enjoy being a guy and really have no interest in being a girl, but I do feel like people always expect me to be someone that I am not at all.  I explained this to Gala so she followed up with, "well who do you feel like your personality would look like?"

What immediately came out of my mouth was something along the lines of, "Oh you know, I guess Carrot Top".  I've been thinking about this a lot lately and honestly have yet to come up with a better person to take his place.  I was intending to do this post about all the other better people I've come up with as I've thought about this over the past couple days but really nobody comes to mind.  I feel like I should look like Carrot Top.  Not so much current Carrot Top as vintage Carrot Top.  The one that was always making corny jokes that you hated to laugh at.

The more I stare at that picture the more I think, "I should really set up an appointment with Toni to get my hair cut"

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