Saturday, February 18, 2012

I love the internet

I really wanted to sleep at an appropriate time last night to reset my schedule but when I went to bed all I could hear was the thumping bass of my neighbors music.

I keep saying that I want to get some kind of water feature for my apt so the gentle murmuring will drown out all the other annoying noises that go on, but I still haven't gotten around to doing it.  Laying in bed thinking about it I had the realization that I could probably find some kind of ambient sound online.

It took me all of 15 seconds to find this site:

and my life is better for it.  The coolest thing about this site is that they let you customize the sound.  Last night I chose "stormy front porch" but then I muted the thunder sounds.  It was so soothing!

The only problem is that I woke up with the overwhelming need to go to the bathroom.  That and I was confused regarding the sunlight streaming in to my apt when I clearly could hear the gentle pitter patter of raindrops.

I think tonight I'll try "grassland".  I can't wait!

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