Friday, April 29, 2011

i love the pet store

I just feel like the problem is that I want everything, and the girls there know that too.  They come and talk to me and then the pick up the most adorable animal that I'm looking at and play with it and cuddle it and make it do tricks.  I have seriously been so close to getting something every time I wander in to this place.

Like this guy!!!

He was so nice!!  He had somehow escaped from the bird area and crawled over to a stack of boxes where he was working his way through the top of one.  I took several hilarious pictures of him, I won't make you look at all of them, but here's one more that I liked:

I felt like the girl who worked at the pet store was slightly annoyed that I was just standing there taking pictures of him ripping through their merchandise.  I couldn't help it though, he was just so dedicated!  I loved him.

I also loved these two guys:

And yes it is two of them and not a mirror reflection, even though they look exactly the same in both of these pictures:

They were very talkative and funny.  The one closest to me was VERY interested in me.  He kept looking like he wanted to climb up on me and I was going to let him but then I asked the girl who worked there if he was going to bite me and she took one of those clenched teeth inhales and was like, "he might"

So I just admired them from a distance.

The ones I really wanted were a pair, this was the only one I managed to take a picture of though:

They were deafeningly loud when they made noise.  I like that.  It's just their way of saying hello.  I'm going to save up my nickels until I can afford him.

Unless somebody really generous wants to get me one!!


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