Monday, April 18, 2011

my new traveling buddy

First of all, I know I know, I shouldn't have let him out of his carrier in the car.  Please don't call PETA on me.

But omg he was so nice!!!!  He actually acted more like a cat in the car with me then he ever has before.  I took that picture before I had even started the car or anything when he was just looking around and being handsome.  Once I turned the car on however he crept over to the spot he stayed in for the rest of the journey:

I'm not kidding when I say he has never sat in my or anybody else's lap, but for some reason as soon as we started moving it was the only place he wanted to be.  And to up the adorable factor he would rest his head on my arm like that.  When facing in that direction it was my steering arm so every time I had to turn his head would just kind of rise and fall with my arm, but when he faced in the other direction he would rest his head on my shifting arm:

I took that after I'd stopped but that's pretty much what he looked like the whole time.  : ((((

Anytime I stopped completely he would sit up, put his front paws on my left arm, and look all around out each of the windows.  It was seriously beyond adorable.  I feel like I really want to keep taking him out and getting him more and more comfortable with it but then at the same time I realize that that's really dumb.  I mean, sure I've seen that video of the guy on the motorcycle with the cat that rides on his shoulders, sure I'm jealous, but I'm not going to put the detective's life in jeopardy just for the thrill of tooting about town with a handsome guy in my lap.

But I do look forward to the next time I have to take him to the vet, which is where I took him this morning.  He needed to meet the Dr. so he could get his flea medication, and while I had him there I also got him a haircut!!!  I haven't tried to take any pictures of him yet because he's still pretty angry about the whole experience but rest assured he looks amazing and there will be plenty of photos in the near future.

In the meantime, enjoy this thing I found in my dad's salt water fish tank that just looks like it's smiling and happy:

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