Sunday, June 22, 2014

the rest of the day

It was literally lightning and thunder with the rain all afternoon.  I was still so tired that after I ate I fell asleep and completely missed 5:00.  I'm submitting this as the best approximation:

I had set my alarm to wake me up at 6, though I could have slept through the rest of the day and long in to the night.  But I forced myself awake at 6 and when I opened my eyes it was to this guy all curled up next to me:

I'm telling you, it was one of those kinds of afternoon.  But by 6 the rain had let up so I gathered myself and rode my bike over to Wilton by 7:

My favorite part of the parade was the marching band that played mamma mia.  I stayed until after 8 to see my friend Victor who was in the parade but not much longer after that.  As you can tell, by 8 I was really feeling like it was the longest day of the year:

Not the most exciting longest day of the year but judging by costume changes alone I did ok.

I made it through yesterday, now I just have to make it through tomorrow.

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