Saturday, June 21, 2014

of course

When I left my apartment after posting it was the same bright beautiful day it had been all morning.  Literally 15 minutes later, maybe a half a mile away from my house, this is what it turned in to.  At first I stayed under the shelter of the Walgreens waiting to see if the storm would pass, then I remembered I had left the windows down on my truck.

So I had to return home, and get soaking wet.  Once back in my apt I couldn't help but feel the sun being covered by storm clouds was a sign that it was ok to take a nap.

I actually took that at 2:30.  I set my alarm to wake me up in case I overslept the 2:00 mark.  Oh I could have slept the rest of the afternoon.

But I've forced myself to get up even though it is still pouring rain outside.  I've decided to make myself some food and wait to see if the sun will ever return.

The oven finished pre-heating right at 3:

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