Monday, October 1, 2012

rabbit rabbit rabbit

Hehehe I've been saving that picture for months now to use for Halloween rabbit rabbit rabbit.  Apparently it had just eaten a cherry, not actually attacked somebody's throat, but the visual is spot on.

So glad to be done with September, although flipping the calendar page this morning was a little overwhelming.  There is definitely a lot of writing all over this month.  Most of it is related to my new job though so I'm pretty excited.  I have about a week of training to get through before I can actually start though so I'm just going to have to keep focused on other things.

Like figuring out where I can get some black outfits to wear.  I have black pants and a black sweater and that's it, I have a feeling those are going to get real old real fast.  It's a good thing I can always look to Barbie for inspiration:

I mean, if that doesn't look like me on my way to work I don't know what does.  I like the leopard print but those boots are hideous.  They need to be shorter and more fitted so they look less like cardboard paper towel tubes.

That being said it's still an outfit to consider for halloween this year.  I could go as Barbie flasher!  I have no idea what I will be doing for Halloween so I don't know if that would be appropriate or not but I will keep it on the back burner.  Otherwise I can always do my cop-out costume from last year of Kurt Cobain.  All I need is a flannel shirt and to pull my hair down in front of my eyes.

But there's no need to jump to decisions now, I have 30 days to plan.  If September taught me nothing else it's that a lot can happen in 30 days.

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