Sunday, October 16, 2011

I turned in to the parking lot when suddenly...

For my entire drive to the grocery store it was just an ordinary evening sky, it wasn't until I pulled in that the sky revealed it's hidden bounty.  I'm always amazed that the sky can work like that, be completely different in different sections.  Maybe I had just gotten used to the NYC sky which is whatever you can see between the buildings.  I have forgotten how much sky you can really see when you're somewhere big and flat with nothing obstructing your view.

Last night's sunset was arrestingly beautiful, causing the parking lot to become an obstacle course of slack jawed pedestrians gazing up at the heavens as they milled in the general directions of their cars.  My initial thought was, 'wwmd' (what would maria do) but nature's beauty was able to calm me and I managed to navigate the parking lot without causing any casualties.

It's good to know that if I can't make it to the beach to watch the sunset I can just camp out in the Publix parking lot.  They should include that in their advertising.

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