Monday, August 5, 2013

seen on my bike ride

I wonder if there was an incident that caused them to have to put this sign up or if it is just to be funny.  It looks more serious and official than whimsical and kitschy.

I also found myself in some fancy neighborhood at one point, the kind where the houses have real gas lanterns on either side of the driveway gates, and I saw this spectacle:

What do you think they have in the garage that merits parking both of these in the driveway?  It didn't seem to be a temporary thing either, both cars had a large amount of tree debris and the cloth top on the Bentley was even starting to mildew.

Maybe they are just inundated with luxury vehicles and need a good samaritan like me to take some off their hands.  I should have knocked on their door and offered my services.

1 comment:

  1. The Crystal Meth lab that pays for the cars is inside the garage.
