Monday, June 24, 2013

I still live here

I had a day off yesterday and not only did I get to go to the beach but I was joined by a real live friend. Thanks Safiya, It was nice to spend time together outside of work.

And it was nice to spend some time just relaxing with my time off instead of being on the phone all day.  I'm still no closer to figuring out what's to be done with the benz, but if you want to hear a cautionary tale about the bad choices I've made in the past year feel free to email me.

In the meantime, I'm loving my new job so far.  Of course I'd say that after a full day of steaming.  So satisfying, and tomorrow I get to do more!  Not only is it very soothing and pleasing, it gives me something to do so I can observe the other associates as they come to check out our stuff.  They're all very interested in what we're doing.  I also found out that I am the only guy working on the entire women's floor, so you can imagine how that's going.

And it's really not that far away, even though it's further north than I'd ever been.  I even made it back to Ft. Lauderdale tonight to get my hair cut.

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