Tuesday, September 24, 2013

uggghhhh cont.

I love this bank of red phones, I feel like I'm supposed to rush here as soon as the verdict is in and call the folks in the newsroom.

In the meantime I'm missing a beautiful day so I can participate in the justice system.

Although to be honest I'm kind of sick of the justice system.

I prepared myself early for a long day when the woman came over the loudspeaker at 8:00 saying, "well folks, this is normally when I would start my introduction but it seems our entire computer system is down.  We've never had this happen before so I'm not really sure what is going to happen but we'll just figure it out as we go along."

That's always what you want to hear.

At least the court stenographer has framed pictures of her dogs lining her area so I have something to look at while the endless juror questions continue after this lunch break.

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