Friday, July 12, 2013

fight or flight while I got dressed

I'm having a hard time getting dressed this morning, I've steamed and put on two different shirts before deciding I didn't like them.  By round three I was scanning my closet a little more closely, looking for some hidden gem that I hadn't worn in a long time.  That's when I spotted him and got so scared.

I even left and came back with my phone to take pictures and he remained in the same position he had been in for who knows how long.  Frozen, eyes wide with bloodlust, focused off in to the distance.

Terrifying.  I seriously thought he was some otherworldly shadow beast.  And what's even more disturbing is knowing that he had been watching me like this while I continued about my dressing none the wiser.  I feel so violated.

Looking at that picture now though I seriously laughed until I got teary eyed.  WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT?!

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