Saturday, October 1, 2011

rabbit rabbit rabbit

I can't believe I didn't even realize it was the first until I posted those pictures of the sunset!  Nobody else has gotten me yet with the rabbit rabbit rabbit at least so I'm still doing better than others for having realized even by now.

It's October!!  I have no idea what I should be for Halloween.  My problem at this point is that I don't know where I will be for Halloween, which greatly will influence my costume.  Dressing slutty is no fun when you're somewhere cold, I learned that lesson enough times in new york.  Don't get me wrong, I still went out even last year in nothing but a speedo, but still, it's not always fun.

I really liked the year I wore the clown mask, maybe I should think about something like that again.  I saw this costume on the other day and loved it:

And it makes me feel like I should incorporate kitty in to my costume some how.  He does make a perfect Halloween kitty.  Just like Thackery Binx!

So many ideas to mull over.  At least I can fall back on October Barbie as a costume if I can't come up with anything better:

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