Thursday, December 16, 2010

best friends forever

I feel really guilty about separating these nice guys.  I feel like having the detective with me and having to turn his world upside down is making me feel more nostalgic about my own leaving. 

I spent so long feeling like I lived in the middle of a construction site, which I do, that I had pushed all the great memories I have from living at this apt to the back of my mind.  But now as I'm getting ready to leave, and seeing the detective doing his usual things like looking out the window with his best bud, I am reminded of what a great chapter in my life it's been to live at this apt. 

I've lived at this place longer than any of the other places I've lived in NYC, and while it hasn't been all that long I do feel like I am such a different person now than I was when I moved in.  When I think back on all the experiences I had when this was the window I looked out of, and this was the bed I went home to every night, it's really incredible.  I have a lot of really great memories and I have a lot of really bad memories, but I know that they are all memories I'll carry with me for a long time, if not forever. 

I don't think the detective will miss weezie so much, just because I think he'll be so overwhelmed by the complete change in environment for him.  I'm really curious to see how he acts at my father's place.  The detectives first love has always been textured surfaces.  Any kind of rug or carpet or even just a piece of clothing left on the floor, will always be his number one choice of place to lay.  My dad's entire place is carpeted so I'm hoping that he will be in heaven.  But I'm also nervous that he's going to get carried away and start tearing it up with his claws.  We had a talk this morning about his behavior over the coming days, I don't think he was listening. 

I pretty much have everything ready, I have to work a 9 hour day today and then I leave for the airport at 5am tomorrow so I needed to be sure I was ready to go by now, which I am.  It definitely helps that I can leave so much stuff where it is, and that I can use the closet to store things.  Thanks Nathanael!

Now all I have to do is get through today and then deal with tomorrow.  I'm trying to think of it as an adventure, though I have a feeling it might turn in to more of a nightmare. 

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