Thursday, June 28, 2012

I wasn't lying

Online ColorIQ Challenge Results
Your score: 129
FM Hue Test Results
A lower score is better, with ZERO being the perfect score. The bars above show the regions of the color spectrum where hue discrimination is low.

Click on that source link and it will take you to a color blindness test.  It was the hardest test I've taken in a long time.  I'm just so terrible with shades, my eye kept furiously scanning the bar while I second guessed ever minute change I made.  

This is why I have to memorize all the real colors of the clothes at work.  It's the only way for sure I know I'm getting the right thing from the back.  Every time I try to just wing it I end up getting it wrong.  

That's why I try to stick to blue and gray for my clothes.  When I do stray from those colors it's with something unmistakeable like hot pink.  Because you know what goes well with hot pink?  Blue, and gray.