Monday, October 18, 2010

all paths of hope end at craigslist

ahh sweet lady craigslist, i knew it was only a matter of time before I was enveloped in your perfumed decolletege once again.

The only job I ever got from craigslist that ever amounted to anything (no not a handjob, get your mind out of the gutter) was at the raw vegan place.  And even that was a little suspect.  I think everyone understands that when you cast your net on craigslist you draw in quite a variety of things, both as the poster and as the responder. 

Everything on craigslist is always shrouded in positive spin.  It doesn't matter if you're looking at an apt or a trick, they usually end up being about 10 years older than the picture would suggest and are riddled with bed bugs. Though I can't complain too much as I do the same thing.  I won the prestigious golden key at marymount manhattan!! 

That's ariel's favorite memory, at graduation when they called my name to receive the golden key.  The crowds parted with a gasp, the spotlight illuminated a single empty chair, "reserved" hung limply from the back. 

So come on craigslist, that doesn't impress you?  Who do I have to sleep with to get a job around here?  I guess I should take a meander through the personals? 

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