Thursday, September 23, 2010


This morning I took my laundry to the cleaners on my way to the subway.  I went sans earbuds because I had my hands full and hate going in to a place and having to set my stuff down, turn my headphones off, and take them out of my ears before I can address the shopkeep.  As I walked down the beautiful sunny street I was thinking, you know, it's not so bad to just hear the sounds of the city. 

Then I heard the unmistakeable sound.  But how?  Why?  I was on the corner of 96th St. and 1st Avenue, who on earth would be clipping their nails?  I turned around and sure enough, there was a guy standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME and clipping his finger nails.  He was so close and there was nowhere I could go to escape.  I was seriously freaking out.

I mean it's not just that the sound of nails being clipped is incredibly gross to me, I also always have this vision of them clipping a nail, it flying through the air and landing on my lip. 

Now granted, I bite my nails, constantly, so maybe i don't have the best relationship with digital hygene, but I feel like even if I did clip my finger nails like normal people I would do it in the privacy of my boudoir while nobody else was home with my music turned up to the max. 

Something about clipping finger and toe nails also makes me think of the process of shoeing a horse and how you shave down part of their hoof.  GROSS!  I don't know, it really makes me uncomfortable.

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