Wednesday, September 25, 2013

do want

I told somebody at work that I had been looking in the jewelry cases and she very earnestly looked me in the eye and said, "Don't ever do that.  No good comes from looking down there"

She was so right, I wish I'd never seen these bracelets.  There are a couple different colors, it was an off white one that caught my attention initially.  They are all pretty, using stones like onyx or tiger's eye, so they are beautiful but in my opinion kind of pricey for what they are.  Then I saw the blue, and that one sparkly bead, so dazzling.  I was surprised to see that it was literally five times more expensive than all the other similar bracelets.  Apparently it's because that one sparkly bead is actually sapphires and black diamonds.

It will be mine.  For now I play the waiting game.  I'm counting on nobody else being willing to spend that much money on such a ridiculous thing so I can snatch it up during the brief window that it actually goes on sale.

Until then I just get to walk past it every day and covet.

Meghan said it looks like something a Russian princess would wear and Jon said it looked like something Elizabeth Taylor would wear.  So either way, it's totally my style.  And it goes so nicely with my watch.

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