Sunday, August 12, 2012

a good youtube journey

This morning I randomly went back to this post, which I haven't listened to in a while.  Ugh it's so good.

Then I see that one of the recommended videos is this: 

Just as satisfying, if not more just because it's all live.

So then one of the recommended videos for that was of Nicole Scherzinger doing Phantom of the Opera.  Now, I've actually loved her for a long time and always knew she was a great singer but I have never actually watched or heard her do anything like this.

I think it's funny when people criticize amazing singers who don't appear to be doing much besides standing and singing.  If you think that she isn't working her ass off to sing those notes, especially at the end, then you don't understand singing.  And Nicole is such a great example too because you know she can dance if she wants to:

It's a shame that her solo career didn't take off more.  I really liked the songs of hers that I heard.  And I could watch her in music videos for days.  She's just so beautiful.

Anyways, let this be a lesson to you, sometimes watching the recommended videos on youtube is the best thing you could do with the hour of your morning dedicated to coffee and internet.

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