Wednesday, August 22, 2012

its going to be a good weekend

When Linden asked me if I would mind watching Chloe for a few days while she was in the Keys I did not hesitate.  Look at her face!

: (((((

I have seriously been so excited all week for this.

When I picked her up I wasn't sure where she'd want to be for the car ride.  Apparently she just wanted to be asleep.

I seriously can't with how adorable she is.  I am afraid I am going to damage the muscles in my face by having my bottom lip curled under all weekend.

When I got home the detective was nowhere to be found.  Before I had left I asked him if he was excited to have a friend visiting for the weekend and he said, "no that sounds terrible, I hate you" before climbing on to one of the top shelves in my closet and falling asleep.  So I guess I was not surprised to find him still hiding when we arrived this afternoon.

He was still curled up in the same spot I had left him but now I could see his two glowing eyes in the darkness and his ears perked up to the max.  Chloe was snuffling around the apt so I called her over so he could see her first, from the shadows, as I know he'd prefer it.

I wanted to be here for their first interactions to make sure nothing terrible happened, but I really needed to go to the grocery store and I couldn't wait all day for the detective to finally come down from his perch.  I decided to go ahead but to try and make it a quick grocery run.

When I got home I wasn't quite sure what to expect as I opened the door.  You can imagine my reaction when I found them both sitting in the doorway together waiting for me.

: ((((((((((((

They are best best friends.

I am not getting anything done this weekend.

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