Monday, August 1, 2011

rabbit rabbit rabbit


I thought July would never end.  But it has, and I for one am happy to welcome August and its holiday free days.  I'm thankful for friends like Jon and Meghan who facilitate me running away from my problems and hiding until things cool down though.

I certainly have enjoyed waking up and walking to 9th St. for coffee and then sitting at meghan's table to write.  So much better than starbucks in every way possible.

It makes me anxious to find out if I get to call Ft. Lauderdale my home or not.  I can certainly get used to living alone.  Well not entirely alone, I have missed kitty while I've been here in NY.  It's just not the same waking up of your own volition.  I've come to enjoy the feeling of heavy little feet pressing in to my face as he stomps all over in the wee hours of the morning.

I'll just have to be happy with all the nice doggies in nyc while I'm away from my precious angel.  Like this guy:

I feel like having a dog that large in ny is just your way of saying that you have an apt big enough to be home to a dog that large.  I mean, that dog is HUGE!  It seems like the east village is overrun with great danes too.  It makes me wish I could walk Bella and make friends.

Instead I'll just enjoy people watching in the park and pretending that I live here for real for reals.

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