Sunday, July 8, 2012


So I have been criticized in regards to my blog that I talk about people as if you know who they are without any explanation.  My justification is that if you read enough of my blog you would be able to figure out who everyone is, nothing is ever that complicated.  I write about my friends, the end.

However, I realized that the post I did this morning referenced Eduard, which really wouldn't make sense to anybody but my work friends.

One night I was working with Sergio when a man and his son came in shopping.  For some reason the little boy really liked Sergio, and would seek him out with a variety of questions he had about the clothes.  At one point the little boy asked Sergio what his name was and for whatever reason Sergio told him that his name was Eduardo.

Sergio eventually came up to me in a rage, telling me that the little boy would not stop asking him questions, and couldn't even get his fake name right, he kept calling him Eduard.  The fact that this enraged Sergio even more gave me great pleasure.

As the little boy left the store with his father he turned over his shoulder and in his high pitched sing song voice shouted out, "Goodbye Eduard" and waved enthusiastically at Sergio.

This was the moment that Sergio fully transformed in to Eduard, the Mr. Hyde to his Dr. Jekyll.  And no joke, when he doesn't put gel in his hair he looks exactly like Bugs Bunny Mr. Hyde too.  It's weirdly perfect.

Of course if I have a name for Sergio when he gets in a rage then Sergio had to come up with a name for me to.  He still won't tell me where he came up with it but everyone has adopted it.  So my Mr. Hyde is officially Bonafacio, which I kind of like.

Ok, I did my duty now, there is no excuse for you to not know who I am talking about when I mention Eduard.  It means I was at work and barely escaped with my life because some small child set Sergio off on a rampage.

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