Wednesday, May 4, 2011

haven't done one of these in a while

I feel like there are some clear themes on my blog, topics I seem to come back to again and again.  In some ways I like this, in other ways I worry that I'll run out of things to say.

But then again, it seems I never get tired of seeing the sunset, and maybe I don't have to say anything more than that.

Except one more thing.

I was thinking about what the top 5 topics actually are that I talk about on my blog the most.  I'm sure there is some way that I can look it up, but I'd rather just try to guess.  I'd go with, the detective, other nice guys, sunsets, drinking, and britney spears.  When I look back at my most recent posts that's all they've been about, and sadly when I look through the pictures I have for my next few posts, that's all they are about too.

So I hope you like all of those things as much as I do.

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