Monday, April 25, 2011

a nice day for a walk

With nothing else to do on our Easter sunday, Scott and I headed on a walk that ended up at our local irish pub where we entered the beers from around the world contest.  I'm excited, if we drink all 80 beers they put our picture up on their wall of fame!

But this posting is about the walk and how it was lovely, while at the same time often confusing.  For example, why?:

I mean, that is a pretty fantastic name, but who does that?  This was just a modest home on a quaint little street, nothing grande, certainly not a "place" as far as is my understanding of places.  But I do love that name.

This is the street they live on:

Pretty right?  The street was super long and only really big enough for one car.  I'd love to live on a street like this.

Except then you'd have neighbors like these people:

Now these stick people are a funny thing.  They started showing up around here a few years ago and they seem to be catching on in a similar fashion as those stickers in the back window showing what your family unit consists of.  Except these are giant, faintly terrifying, stick people that sit on the roadside watching the traffic pass with their vacant smiles and cold dead eyes.

Not convinced that these things are bad news?  Upon getting over the bridge I could see in to the backyard of this person's house and this is what I saw:

The fact that all you can see is the giant head strapped down to the flatbed of a truck is chilling.  Imagine how big that sucker is going to be when it's assembled?  And where are they going to put that?  As I pondered these questions my mind wandered over to their dock and what should I see but ANOTHER lone sentinel standing guard over the water:

Seriously I would never even want to break in to that house so I guess they are doing a good job as guards.  You'd probably break in and find the entire house full of those metal people, set up to be partying and enjoying themselves like the cardboard cut outs in Home Alone.

I'm going to keep an eye on this house.  I want to make sure there are actually people living there, they haven't been replaced by metal clones.

It's not a bad walk to get down there anyways.  And the views from the bridge are fantastic:

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