Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I'm getting this

Ugh so glorious, and I love that it's actually on my almost exact truck.  Of course, that one is far fancier than mine, you can tell because it has the luxurious rear window feature.  I think it's my biggest regret that I didn't notice mine didn't have that, although there is something retro and fun about the solid glass pane behind me.

The point is, I want this airbrushed portrait on my tailgate.  Jon had the same idea I did of replacing the charging horses with pictures of the detective.  I do like that idea, or maybe the detective with a whole posse of street cats.

Whatever the case, I'm glad to be thinking on a bigger scale than I had previously considered.  Yesterday I thought I knew what I wanted to decorate my car with when I saw this:

Now that I've seen the beautiful galloping mustangs I'm thinking maybe I should get the whole tailgate painted with three golden retrievers in a red sedan.  Maybe add the detective in?

Too many possibilities, maybe the first step is to find an artist I trust who can do the work on my car, then get them to do some sketches so I can get a better idea of what kinds of beautiful things can actually be done.  I mean, if there's a way we can do a collage that opens the door to adding Mariah in there somehow...

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